Squadron Commander’s Update 2015 March

Boss UpdateSo I have been in post for 2 months now, wow that has flown by, and I have decided to do regular updates about how the Squadron is doing!

January was a tough month, with myself being new in post and us having to parade in a single room kindly rented out by Gresham Sports Pavillion. This had enormous challenges for getting some important discussions and meetings with my new staff. A superb success was welcoming back Cadet FS Taylor to the Squadron as he has a lot to offer, not least in mentoring the Cadet NCOs.

February was the month of pastures new, finally moving into our brand new West Bridgford Joint Cadet Training Centre along side Nottinghamshire Army Cadet Force. The building is a complete triumph for Staff and Cadet training and we are looking forward to opening the doors to the Wing and Region to become a training hub for Nottinghamshire.

We have done our first intake night of the year, and are looking forward to the next one on 30th March

Finally, amongst all the success you can read on other posts on our facebook page, I attended the Sqn Cdr Course last week at RAF College Cranwell where amongst everything else I had an excellent chat with our Commandant Air Cadets, explaining the high level strategy and direction for the Corps. I am looking forward in particular to the big push for supporting our many dedicated volunteer staff, whether uniformed, civilian or committee, as without them the Corps would not exist… so thank you very much!

Look forward to March where we will start training for our annual Wing Training Day in the summer, to show off how good my Cadets are compared to the rest of the Wing. We will also be starting our new staff continuing professional development package to give my volunteers a record of in house training which they can show off to future employers!

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