For most Squadrons, this weekend saw the first weekend back to start the year full of activities in 2015. This is no different for those at 209 (West Bridgford) Squadron.
Sgt (ATC) Brock travelled to RAF Wittering on Saturday morning for the annual South and East Midlands Wing SNCO Conference with many of the other Staff from the Wing’s Squadrons.
The day was full of updates of future progressions within the ATC and what may be changing or updating throughout the year.
Guest speakers included, Wing Staff Officer 07, Squadron Leader RAF VR(T) M. Richards, who updated the SNCO Cadre on the new branding and upcoming changes the Wing should see throughout 2015 within the Wing Adult Training Team.
Wing Staff Officer 08, Flight Lieutenant RAF VR(T) J. Hudson, who updated us with the changes of the Wing’s Cadet Development Team and maybe the possibility of new courses to come.
WO (ATC) J. Whicher who kept the crowd in awe of the many activities the Air Cadet National Marching Band, Air Cadet Corps Pipes and Drums and the Air Cadet National Concert Band completed throughout last year and the many options that are available for Cadets.
Finally, Wing Commander N. Dickinson RAF VR(T) took a question and answer session from the Wing’s SNCO team. He also took the opportunity to say a huge thank you to those who spent much time last year helping the Wing through the many activities and competitions that they compete in.
The weekend was a great time to socialise with many Staff from the North, Middle and South of the Wing that we only occasionally see and get to work with. Overall the day was extremely informative and successful updating the Wing’s Staff ready for the New Year.
#LookingFine209 #WhatWeDo